tags: ece-402 timbre mus-407


Timbre is the perception of a [sound]'s [spectrum] in combination with other qualities, including perceived [loudness], [transient], [envelope], etc.

Generally, lower and higher [partial]s are described in different ways:

Analog gear tends to emphasize harmonics, creating a sense of warmth.

Words also relate to the visible spectrum, where low frequencies are associated with warm tones (reds, oranges, and yellows), while high frequencies are associated with cool tones (blues, greens, purples).


Timbre is "attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which a listener can judge that two sounds are dissimilar, when the two sounds are similarly presented having the same loudness, pitch, and duration." (Acoustical Society of America, ASA).

Timbre is usually separated conceptually from [pitch] and loudness.


There are several ways of analyzing timbre, including
