tags: mus-407 early-electroacoustic-instruments
The theremin is an electronic instrument invented in 1922 with the unique ability to be played without touch
- US tour, patented 1927-28
- highly accessible, no piano keyboard
- RCA acquired license to sell theremins and DIY theremin kits ca. 1930s
- later Moog theremins ca. 1950s
- Commercially available, relatively popular today
Operating principles
- two antennae control [amplitude] and [frequency]
- exploits the [Heterodyne principle]
In popular culture
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- dir. Robert Wise, 1951
- Good Vibrations
- The Beach Boys
- Clara Rockmore, theremin virtuoso (1911-1998)
- MUS 407 History of Electroacoustic Music: Early Instruments