tags: music mus-407 compression dynamics dynamic-range-compression drp
A limiter is a [compressor] with an extremely high [ratio], typically 10:1 or greater.
- "brick wall limiting" is an extreme form of limiting with ratios ranging from 20:1 to inf:1
- ensures no [audio signal] exceeds the [amplitude.md] of the set [threshold]
- useful when mastering to increase perceived [loudness.md] or even meet certain loudness broadcast standards
Limiters are used when preventing clipping/overloading has top priority, e.g.:
- operating in a volatile digital system, such as live coding or a no-input [mixer.md] performance
- [recording.md] in a live concert setting to prevent overloading the absolute [dynamic range] of any component in the recording chain
- to prevent damage to irreplaceable equipment
- when there is only one opportunity to capture a unique recording
- more commonly, to prevent clipping during the analog-to-digital conversion process
Limiters use peak/[transient.md] tracking and/or a "look ahead" delay to properly anticipate and limit instantaneous peak levels.
- MUS 407 Dynamic Range Processing