tags: music granular-synthesis synthesis audio composition digital mus-305 ece-402 mus-409

Granular Synthesis

Granular synthesis is a method of [synthesizing sound] that manipulates [sound] on the [microsound] level.


A grain is a short sound [sample], typically 1-100 ms

Input signal segmented into grains, then recombined/resynthesized according to various parameters

Brief History


Windowing in granular synthesis is process of creating grains by applying a short [amplitude] [envelope].


It is a technique used in [music-composition] and production.

Granular synthesis can be used both functionally and compositionally. Functionally, it can be used for time-stretching audio without changing [frequency]. Compositionally, using granular synthesis on sounds with significant [transients] (rather than sustained sounds) can create interesting gestures at the note level.

TODO: take more notes: https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/the-basics-of-granular-synthesis.html

Granular Synthesis Parameters

Duration/Spectrum Relationship

TODO: create separate note
