tags: mus-407 recording-technology
Digital Recording
Digital recording is a type of [recording] technology that operates via [sampling]:
[sound] is captured via rapid, periodic series of discrete measurements of an [electrical signal] level, called samples (analog-to-digital conversion).
- samples are stored as binary data, usually on a computer
- [waveform] is reconstructed from discrete data (digital-to-analog conversion)
Digital recording techniques developed ca. 1975
- first digitally produced albums ca. 1979
Prominent technologies:
Physical media was largely eclipsed by [digital audio file formats] and [internet]-based instrument models. CD sales began declining throughout 2000s
- mp3 format, 1993
- developed by Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III)
- AIFF, WAV, AAC, numerous other formats
Recording technology continually influenced by
- expansion of [internet]-based tools
- proliferation/standardization of personal computers
- audio software for mobile platforms
- improvements in processor speed and hard drive storage
- availability, affordability, and portability of home recording equipment
Specific software tools include:
- SoundTools (ProTools)
- Digidesign Audio Interfaces
- Ableton Live
- Reason
- FL Studio
- Logic Pro
- Studio One
- MUS 407 Recording Technology