tags: music mus-407 electroacoustic computer digital audio

Digital Audio

Digital audio is the representation of [sound] in a digital realm. Digital audio represents sound as a finite sequence of discrete values within an [audio signal], with each value representing a measurement of air pressure at a given point in time.

Key Terms

[sampling]: the process of periodically measuring the [amplitude] of an analog signal and assigning a digital value to each measurement

[sample rate]: number of samples taken per second

[quantization]: the process of approximating the measured analog value to the closest digital value

[bit depth]: the number of discrete digital values available for quantization (also called sample resolution or sample width)

ADC: analog-to-digital converter

DAC: digital-to-analog converter

sampling theorem: publication on the mathematical limitations of discretization of continuous signals

[pulse code modulation (PCM)]: specification for computer digitization of continuous signals

Sampling (disambiguation)

Sampling can have different meanings, depending on context.

Digital Audio Standards

Across the commercial audio industry, there are [digital audio standards] to standardize audio file formats.

File Formats

There are a number of [file formats] in which digital audio can be stored.
