tags: music mus-407 electroacoustic computer digital audio

Computer Music

TODO: clean up notes

History of Computer Music

See: [music-n]

Early Computer Music at Illinois

1957, Illinois faculty Lejaren Hiller & Leonard Isaacson

Two important academic centers founded ca. 1957-1958:

  1. [University of Illinois Experimental Music Studios]
  2. [Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center]

Two more computer music centers established in the 1970s:

IRCAM: Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique

CCRMA: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics

Both are still active hubs for [electroacoustic]/computer music today.

In the early decades of computer music, computer music was being created at institutional centers rather than in homes since mainframe computers were very expensive and required a high level of specialized knowledge.