tags: music mus-407 electroacoustic dynamic-range
A compander combines the functionality of a compressor ([compression]) and [expander.md] into one processing unit
- portmanteau of "compressor" and "expander"
- also called Noise reduction (NR) units
Companders are historically used in analog tape recording.
- input [signal] is compressed to allow recording at high levels while avoiding tape saturation
- output signal is expanded on reproduction to attenuate tape [noise.md] and return peaks and [transient.md]s to original level
- result is a low-noise but wide [dynamic range] recording
Some advanced noise reduction schemes use companders in a [frequency]-dependent way.
- signal is split into several frequency bands
- each band is companded separately
- results in more transparent recording with less side effects or artifacts
- continuous glissandi or small irregularities can lead to audible (and potentially unwanted) colorations