renzo's garden 🌿

welcome to my digital garden!

this repository is my primary note-taking tool, made with Foam (among other things). any notes i take, whether for class, self-learning, or personal discovery, i will likely add it here.

i don't have a great starting place at the moment, but you can take a look at my notes for class that made me start this in the first place: [mus-407]

who is this for?

this is for me, mostly 😅 i had used Notion for the past year to organize my class notes and assignments, which worked great for a while.

however, i needed a way to easily link overlapping concepts and information from the many sources i was consuming - school, social media, friends & family, late night wikipedia rabbit holes, etc.

Foam, and [Zettelkasten] concepts of notetaking as a whole, are my in-progress solution to this problem.

moreover, i also want the information i'm learning from university to be more accessible and placed in context with my own personal interests. so anyone can use this information, regardless of if you're a student - my goal is to use this method of notetaking for as long as i want to keep learning.

how is this made?

i used a template by yenly on GitHub that uses Next.js in conjunction with Foam.


this deployment is not perfect. the best way to view this is to download the repository and use VSCode alongside the Foam VSCode extension (instructions are on the Foam website but i'll write my own instructions eventually)

i'm keeping a running list of issues with this deployment on the issues page of the repository

anyway, i'm very indecisive and constantly looking for better solutions, so i might ditch this deployment in favor of something better.

please reach out to me if there's anything that you think should be changed. either way, enjoy! 😊